Get a Quote

Getting a quote for your dumpster rentals has never been easier. Now you can simply fill out the form below with your order information and we’ll provide you with a free and easy quote. All we need from you is your name, email, city, county, as well as the size and type of debris you will be placing in the dumpster. And if you have any questions for us, feel free to write them down in the space provided.

Once you’ve hit that button your quote request will be zoomed off to our customer service team. Please allow between 1-2 business days before receiving a response. By the time you receive your quote request you’ll be able to make an informed decision about where you’ll be renting your dumpsters from, safe in the knowledge that the price on the invoice is the price you’ll be paying. If you are all set to start placing your order, just give us a call at 205-705-3407. We’ll pull up your quote and get your dumpster rental on the fast track to your location!

How Much Does a Dumpster Rental Cost?

Dumpster rental prices vary significantly between states, as well as cities. This is because different regions have a different number of landfills, as well as other infrastructure that the waste management industry relies upon. You will often find that disposal costs at these facilities are higher in smaller states that have a very small amount of land they can allocate to landfills. This short supply of landfills can raise the costs of disposal significantly, which increases the costs of waste removal services such as dumpster rentals. However, within the Birmingham metro area the cost of disposal is relatively cheap, allowing us to offer roll-off containers at below premium prices.

Apart from disposal costs, there are some other operational costs that can affect the price of a dumpster rental. One of these costs is associated with how far outside of the city a customer’s work site is. If a customer is located more than 25-30 miles outside of Birmingham there may be an additional fee charged to their account because of the additional fuel and time that is consumed in the delivery. But don’t worry, we’ll check your location before processing your order and let you know if there will be an additional service charge.

Get a Quote in 3…2…1…

  • Fill out the form and get a quote within 1-2 business days
  • All we need is your contact info, desired dumpster size, and the type of debris you are throwing out
  • Once your quote is submitted, our team will put together a complete estimate for your order
  • Upon receipt, feel free to give us a call at 205-705-3407 to complete your order!

With just a few minutes of your time you can get your dumpster quote submitted, putting you well on your way to getting rid of whatever trash is piling up on your property. We know that throwing all that stuff out can be a major hassle. That’s why we make the quote and ordering process so easy for you. And if you have any questions along the way we’ll be more than happy to answer them for you!

Advantages of Flat Rate Pricing

One of our company’s defining characteristics is our flat rate pricing model. None of our containers are priced based on the total tonnage of the debris they are carrying. Instead, each dumpster is set at a specified weight limit, allowing the renter to fill it up with any amount of debris up until they hit that limit.

This pricing model creates several advantages for our customers. First, it means our customers can get the true cost of their dumpster rental upfront, without having to wait until the final invoice arrives with the charges from the landfill. Since landfills charge by the ton, the actual cost of disposal can vary based on how much debris is inside the container. This is in turn would create variable pricing on our end with our dumpster rentals, causing a bit of confusion among our customers.

By charging a flat rate for each dumpster our customers don’t have to worry about calculating out the final cost to them based on how many tons are placed in the bin. Instead, all they have to do is keep the debris from exceeding the height of the dumpster, which is a lot easier to do than trying to estimate the overall weight of the junk going into the dumpster.

Why Aren’t Electronics or Appliances Accepted?

Electronics and appliances are different from regular trash because they often contain components that are hazardous or pose problems for landfills and recycling centers. Many landfills try to restrict the quantity and types of electronics they allow to be disposed of through their service. This is primarily because electronics, or e-waste, more often than not includes potentially hazardous metals such as cadmium and beryllium, which can cause severe illness if inhaled. Older televisions are also a problem because they contain high amounts of lead, making them a big problem for landfills.

Of course, landfills are designed to contain all sorts of debris, both solid and liquid. However, these toxic metals can still leak out of landfills if proper precautions are not taken. Much of the developed world now incorporates recycling into their e-waste disposal process. Electronics contain a wide range of metals and other components that can be recycled. Some companies take donations of electronics and refurbish them for use in underprivileged schools or given to families who can’t afford a computer or cell phone.

As for appliances, many of the same problems apply. Appliances that contain coolants or refrigerants, such as AC units and refrigerators, have to be properly drained before being disposed of in landfills. Some disposal facilities will ban these items outright rather than spending the time to verify that these appliances have been properly drained. If you have electronics waste or appliances to dispose of, consult your local sanitation department for proper disposal guidelines.